Iatrogenic exposure to mercury after hepatitis B vaccination in preterm infants


The Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 136, Issue 5, May 2000, Pages 679–681

Iatrogenic exposure to mercury after hepatitis B vaccination in preterm infants

Gregory V. Stajich, PharmD, Gaylord P. Lopez, PharmD, ABAT, Sokei W. Harry, MBBS, MPH, William R. Sexson, MD

Mercer University, Southern School of Pharmacy, Atlanta, Georgia;
Georgia Poison Center, Grady Health System, Atlanta;
Georgia Poison Center, Georgia Health System, Atlanta and
Emory University, School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia.


Thimerosal, a derivative of mercury, is used as a preservative in hepatitis B vaccines. We measured total mercury levels before and after the administration of this vaccine in 15 preterm and 5 term infants. Comparison of pre- and post-vaccination mercury levels showed a significant increase in both preterm and term infants after vaccination. Additionally, post-vaccination mercury levels were significantly higher in preterm infants as compared with term infants. Because mercury is known to be a potential neurotoxin to infants, further study of its pharmacodynamics is warranted.

  • May 22, 2000