
Low molecular weight protein occurring in the cytoplasm of kidney cortex and liver; rich in cysteinyl residues and contains no aromatic amino acids; shows high affinity for bivalent heavy metals. – CRISP Thesaurus, National Institutes of Health

“The Cr, As and Al are found in high concentrations in the blood of an autistic child when compared to normal child reference values. The toxic metals, particularly aluminium, are primarily responsible for difficulties in socialization and language skills disabilities. Zinc and copper are important elements in regulating the gene expression of metallothioneins (MTs), and zinc deficiency may be a risk factor for ASD pathogenesis. Autistics frequently have zinc deficiency combined with copper excess; as part of the treatment protocol, it is critical to monitor zinc and copper levels in autistic people, particularly those with zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency is linked to epileptic seizures, which are common in autistic patients. Higher serum manganese and copper significantly characterize people who have ASD. Autistic children have significantly decreased lead and cadmium in urine, whereas they have significantly higher urine Cr. A higher level of As and Hg was found in the ASD individual’s blood.”

  • February 2, 2023


In this section, I explore the effects of mercury and inflammation on transsulfuration reactions, which can lead to elevations in androgens, and how this might relate to the male preponderance of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It is known that mercury interferes with these biochemical reactions and that chronically elevated androgen levels also enhance the neurodevelopmental effects of excitotoxins. Both androgens and glutamate alter neuronal and glial calcium oscillations, which are known to regulate cell migration, maturation, and final brain cytoarchitectural structure. Studies have also shown high levels of DHEA and low levels of DHEA-S in ASD, which can result from both mercury toxicity and chronic inflammation. Chronic microglial activation appears to be a hallmark of ASD. Peripheral immune stimulation, mercury, and elevated levels of androgens can all stimulate microglial activation. Linked to both transsulfuration problems and chronic mercury toxicity are elevations in homocysteine levels in ASD patients. Homocysteine and especially its metabolic products are powerful excitotoxins. Intimately linked to elevations in DHEA, excitotoxicity and mercury toxicity are abnormalities in mitochondrial function. A number of studies have shown that reduced energy production by mitochondria greatly enhances excitotoxicity. Finally, I discuss the effects of chronic inflammation and elevated mercury levels on glutathione and metallothionein.

  • January 1, 2015

“while cells challenged with thimerosal responded by up-regulating numerous heat shock protein transcripts, but not MTs. Although there were no apparent differences between autistic and non-autistic sibling responses in this very small sampling group, the differences in expression profiles between those cells treated with zinc versus thimerosal were dramatic.”

  • June 16, 2006