
A mixture of related phosphoproteins occurring in milk and cheese. The group is characterized as one of the most nutritive milk proteins, containing all of the common amino acids and rich in the essential ones.
NLM Medical Subject Headings
U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2021


“Increased extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid (EA-CSF) have been observed in imaging studies of infant brains, who go on to develop autism. Folate deficiency can cause defects in neural development that can affect CSF production and drainage. Folate receptor alpha antibodies (FRAA) are observed in 75% of autism patients. Maternal FRAA have also been observed in the case of neural tube defects.

Folate deficiency can cause aluminum accumulation in the brain. Autistic brains have been shown to accumulate aluminum. FRAA in the child or mother can therefore explain all the observations”

  • November 30, 2018