November 2015

“The most deficient element was zinc (92% in target and 20% in control), then – manganese (55% and 8%) and selenium (38% and 4%). In case of cooper study revealed excess concentration of this element only in target group in 50% of cases. The contaminations to heavy metals were detected in case of lead (78% and 16), mercury (43% and 10%) and cadmium (38% and 8%). The study statistical results indicated, that deficient concentrations of trace elements such as zinc, manganese, molybdenum and selenium in hair significantly linked with ASD (Kramer’s V was 0,740; 0,537; 0,333; 0,417 accordingly). In case of cooper we got excess levels of this element and this data was highly linked with autism spectrum disorder. We got high associations and significant values between of lead, mercury and cadmium concentrations and ASD. Study results indicate that there are significant differences of hair essential trace elements concentrations in children with autism spectrum disorder comparing with healthy children group. The result obtained also showed high contamination to heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium in ASD children compared to healthy ones. So, our study demonstrated alteration in levels of toxic heavy metals and essential trace elements in children with autistic spectrum disorders as compared to healthy children. This suggests a possible pathophysiological role of heavy metals and trace elements in the genesis of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders.”

  • November 1, 2015