Post-vaccination inflammatory syndrome: a new syndrome


Clin Case Rep Rev 5: DOI: 10.15761/CCRR.1000454

Post-Vaccination Inflammatory Syndrome: a new syndrome

Giannotta G1 and Giannotta N2

1Pediatrician, Provincial Health Authority of Vibo Valentia, Vibo Valentia, Italy
2Università Magna Grecia, Medical and Surgery Sciences, Catanzaro, Italy


Background: The relationship between vaccines and neuroinflammation have consistent molecular biology bases. In a recent paper we have already analyzed this kind of relationship.

Hypothesis: In this paper, we have gained additional evidence to support the link between vaccines and neuroinflammation. Furthermore, we found the molecular bases that support the link between HPV vaccines and certain adverse events (AEs). The peripheral proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α), expressed after the injection of the vaccines can reach the brain and can cause neuroinflammation after microglia activation. After vaccine injection significant systemic immune activation may occur with signs suggesting reactive brain inflammation, such as acute crying, fever, restlessness and failure to eat. It is a warning of danger to the brain in front of which we should reflect before causing irreversible damage. We also hypothesized the existence of a post-vaccination inflammatory syndrome caused by the proinflammatory cytokines strongly expressed after HPV vaccine injections. In addition, the molecular explanation of the chronic pain that has affected many girls in the world, including the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in Japanese girls.

Conclusion: All vaccines can cause neuroinflammation. HPV vaccines can cause a post-vaccination inflammatory syndrome characterized by chronic pain and neuroinflammation. In this case, the phenomena of central sensitization is responsible for all the symptoms associated with chronic pain. The strong expression of proinflammatory cytokines, secreted after HPV vaccinations, brings to process that can produce irreversible neurological results in HPV vaccinated girls.


“There is a growing body of work to support the role of inflammatory cytokines in ASD. An emerging focus of research into the etiology of ASD has suggested neuroinflammation as one of the major candidates underlying the biologica model [5]. Plasma levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 were increased in children with ASD and correlated with regressive autism, as well as impaired communication and aberrant behavior [6-8]. Vargas [9] showed an active neuroinflammatory process in the cerebral cortex, white matter, and in the cerebellum of autistic patients. Immunocytochemichal studies showed marked activation of microglia [5].”

  • January 1, 2019